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Acacia Honey

September 22,2021.

Below small white flower with intoxicating fragrance is acacia flower which you can see in the most area of Yangtze River Basin and the Yellow River Basin.The season time is from April to June.

Acacia honey is one of the most popular honey in China,even around the world as it has a pleasant smell and premium taste. As this type of honey has a high F/G(fructose and glucose ratio) so it is not easy to go crystallization.

Acacia honey , has the functions of dehumidification, diuresis, cooling blood and hemostasis, and can maintain normal capillaries.

Resistance, it can relax blood vessels, improve blood circulation,, reduce blood lipid and blood pressure.and is used to prevent stroke.It is suitable for health care consumption of patients with chronic diseases and cardiovascular patients, especially for the elderly.

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